Sustainability We are NATO Corporation,
the natural dyes company that aims for zero-defect perfect quality for the satisfaction of our customers.


Quality Assurance Policy

The Quality Assurance Policy of Nato Dyes and Chemicals is to have all the executives of the company establish and comply with the Quality Assurance System in accordance with ISO9001 that is published in 2021, meet customer’s needs and expectations, and ultimately, to serve the country and society.

This Quality Assurance Manual is established according to the requirements set under KS Q ISO9001, and it specifies the Quality Assurance Manual of Nato Dyes and Chemicals to give customers trust that all products comply with this manual.

The CEO shall be responsible and have the right to have all employees understand matters related to the quality manual’s enactment/enforcement and appropriate measures/Quality Assurance Policy to deal with crucial quality issues and execute the policy as specified. The CEO delegates the authority to do so to the Quality Management Representative.

Quality Management Representative establishes and maintains the Quality Assurance System and shall notify the CEO of crucial quality issues often/regularly so that the Quality Assurance System can run strictly.